Friday, September 17, 2010

Memorize Ephesians With Me (2)

Day two in our Journey through Ephesians. We have folks from all over North America joining in. Old friends, new friends, people I don't really know, folks from California, Washington and Oregon, Canada, the Mid-West, and a handful from hear in New Jersey and New York. All seeking to grow, all wanting more. Here is a quote from a book I'm reading by John Ortberg it reads, "The Talmud says that every blade of grass has an angel bending over it whispering "grow,grow" God wants you to grow! I think what you are doing is beautiful, and the response was totally unexpected, and the number of folks continues to grow, so feel free to invite others along, lets see where this happens.

Be encouraged as you go through the first part of Ephesians today. and consider this:

Phil 2:13
"13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him."

God is at work, and that is good news!

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Hunter, I am giving all I can to memorize. I have read it and read it! Wrote it. And I could give at least 8 sermons on it. As for memorizing it, so far it has not happened. But not giving up yet!
