Thursday, September 9, 2010

What English Bible Should I Own? (Including a Plug for the KJV)

This is an article from Justin Taylor's blog, commemorating the 400th anniversay of the King James Bible.  The "Authorized" text has had perhaps the most profound impact on the world as any specific "thing" in the last 400yrs.  The way it has served to put the word of God within reach of the english speaking world, helping to transform both Church and societies.  Prior to this most Bibles were chained to pulpits in local Parishes, written in Latin and only read by "qualified" members of the Priesthood, and since most in the English world didn't speak Latin, the reading of the word was not understood by the listener.  Now we have many translations written in the common venacular and it is generally accepted that the Bible is for everyone to read and understand, and not just a select few.  I don't read a King James Version of the Bible, I've been reading the New Living Translation the last few years, but the Church can be thankful for the work that was done 400 years ago that began a movement, putting the word of God in the hands of everyone interested and willing.  

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