Thursday, September 16, 2010

Memorize Ephesians With Me

Some of you know that last year I memorized the book of Ephesians and have since begun performing a dramatic retelling of the book at Churches around the country. Well, today I began a project to review the book from memory, and the thought came to me that it might be helpful to invite others along for the trek. Helpful for me, because I'll have some accountability in reviewing a book that I have memorized, and helpful for others who may be wanting to challenge themselves by memorizing a book of the Bible.

I have spoken with many of you about what an important spiritual discipline memorizing/meditating on scripture has been for me. Much of my life work and calling is to advocate for an imaginative engagement with the word of God. Meditation and the imagination are two very powerful, and often overlooked tools in spiritual development, tools that continue to play a huge role in my apprenticeship as a follower of Jesus. I'd like to take some of what I have learned and experienced, and walk along side those who are interested in engaging scripture in this way, and go after the book of Ephesians together.

I'll try to post via YouTube and this blog, a couple of posts per week that offer suggestions and encouragement. I'll also offer: resources for memorization and meditation, model my own experience, provide feedback, answer questions, and provide a place for you to comment and post your own reflections. I'll be your coach.

If your interested, let me know, email me, or post a comment on this blog. Think about sending this link to someone else, a friend, an enemy :) a group of friends, a group of enemies. Whoever, lets just work together. Slow,steady, and in community, a fellowship of the book!
lets see what happens.

In Christ.


  1. I was going to do James, but I would also like to do Eph. If I am not alone in it, it may be easier. I can do James later :D

    blessings, mari

  2. Ephesians for the Fall - Wow, i must say fear gets in my way of trying to memorize scripture - but i have seen what it has done in my brothers life, like Rich P. and others - and seems to allow Christ to transform us to have the words become life through us.

    Hunter - thank you for your passion. Kevin M.

  3. I can't wait! Melissa learned 40 verses during her summer with Teen Missions when she was 14 years old and she told me that those verses came to her often when she needed them...I have some ADD I'm SURE...which is why I need something like this...Well, that's one reason...:)

  4. This is exactly what the early Church HAD to do, there were no Bibles being handed out. The Early Brothers and Sisters had to memorize the Holy Words spoken through God to Paul. As Brothers and Sisters in Christ we are so privileged to have the time to memorize these scriptures. The Early Church did not, constantly hounded, God imparted his Holy Spirit into these early Brothers and Sisters to keep the word fresh and alive as they faced horrible agonizing suffering for our Lord Christ Jesus. With this said, what more can I do but honor those Men and Women and memorize the book of Ephesians.

    Praise God and his mighty grace.


  5. Hello Hunter,

    You probably do not remember me - but I remember your dramatic reading one Easter.

    Hebrews 13:7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith

    LOL - I will begin to read Ephesians 1-8 this weekend & have a go at it. I work right down the street from ZCC (Rt 287 exit 4) so maybe if this is what I am supposed to do it will lead me to you one day. I was wondering which direction to go latley as I have been "stagnant" in my reading. I am glad I am still on your e-mail list!!!

    Blessings to you & your ministry.

    John M Sandy

  6. Hey Hunter - we'd love to join you on this journey and are up for the challenge. Thanks for doing this!

    David & Darryln Tarantino
